Off the Record Bristol (OTR) is a social movement by and for young people aged 11-25 in the Bristol and South Glos region, centred around mental health support. Find the Off the Record Bristol site here.
Nilaari is a charity led by Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic communities, for both adults and young people. By working in partnerships with other local agencies, Nilaari have over 19 years’ experience delivering social care, talking therapies, and support. Find the Nilaari site here.
1625 Independent People is a charity that aims to support young people who are either homeless or at rick of homelessness. They’ve spent over 30 years providing essential services to young people, as well as partnering with other agencies across the South West so that they can aim to change as many lives as they can. You can find more about Independent People on their site here.
The Bristol Drug Project supports young people who use drugs and alcohol with free and confidential support and services including needle exchanges and Naloxine kits, whilst also providing drug safety advice and support. More information can be found of the Bristol Drug Project website here.
Well Aware provides information on various organisations, support groups, community events and activities, that can help you to improve your physical health and wellbeing across Bristol and South Gloucestershire. Here you can read more about Well Aware on their website.
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